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Timpani Primer!

This is a great Timpani Primer to give to all your students as well as post on the wall next to your timpani. It has all the info a student needs, from sizes and ranges of the four standard timps, to tuning tips, strike zones, grip and muffling. This is an essential for students, private instructors, and band directors! Click here to download!

Otto Percussion Studio Timpani Handout (Page 1)
Otto Percussion Studio Timpani Handout (Page 2)

Interested in learning more about Timpani, Mallets, Concert Percussion, Drumset? Are you a band director looking to bounce some ideas off a percussionist? Has your limited knowledge kept you at the front of the room? Drop me a line at and we’ll make a John Bonham, Alan Abel, or Keiko Abe out of you yet!

Published inHandouts

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