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Month: May 2016

Gettin’ Good, Vol 2.

Some years back I was called into a lesson being taught by a colleague because the student had questions about recording. As we talked I found that the student was really looking to decide between spending money on a better set of cymbals or a nice set of drum mics. He wanted the mics because he planned to make high quality YouTube videos to get  a gig. I quite honestly thought this absurd and the longest of shots at best. The student’s teacher and I told him that the cymbals would lead to a better sound which would also sound better when he got those mics to record with.  The student went with our recommendation, though soon after also found the money to buy the mics.
About two months ago I got contacted by the leader of a local original band. He was looking for a drummer and was looking to see if I was interested in playing in his band. Where did he see me play? On YouTube, of course. Specifically the Look Back In Anger Groove Of The Month. I find it incredibly ironic and still honestly surprising that this happened even though I know that the videos I produce for The Musician’s Notepad have gotten me more recognition than I have had since I was a hot shot sixteen year old rookie professional.
Playing in a band has been very beneficial. It’s been a long time since I’ve played permanently in a group, where it wasn’t a one off gig, which has really allowed me to focus on playing with and in the band. I’m able to sit back and really listen to the bass and how we should lock together. I have other musicians to push and pull against to manipulate the feel. It’s been an extremely positive and necessary step.
The rigors of daily practice have really paid off. I don’t want to sound like a broken record, but I feel as though I am in the best playing shape of my life. That being said, I still have a long way to go to be where I want to be. We should all be that lucky, right? I am a little worried as, I’ve picked up a long term substitute teaching position through the end of the school year and finding the time to practice has been very hard. Since starting two weeks ago I’ve only found the time for a full practice session on the weekends. During the week I am limited to about a half hour between teaching school and teaching lessons, and the odd half hour that a student cancels and another one doesn’t slip in for a make up.
Overall though, these are problems one wants to have. Boo hoo, I don’t have time to practice because I’m working too much. Woe is me.
‘Till next time,